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Re: v6-in-v4 configured tunneling over v4 multicast (vs 6over4)

I, of course as a user of it, agree also.

It's a shame mboned didn't want to pick it up.  I don't understand why.
Failing that, lets do the work here.


On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 01:19:10PM -0400, William F. Maton wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Stig Venaas wrote:
> [snip]
> >Thanks for the plug Tim. I wrote a draft on a gateway translating
> >between IPv4 and IPv6 multicast. It's expired now, but you can find it
> >at
> >http://www.uninett.no/testnett/multicast/mcgw/draft-venaas-mboned-v4v6mcastgw-00.txt
> >
> >This solution was implemented 18 months ago, and has been in daily use
> >by several people since then.
> [snip]
> >Are there more appropriate places to take it?
> As someone who is interested in both IPv6 and multicast, yes, this would 
> be good to see in a document.  This group might be the best place for it. 
> Though I wonder why mboned didn't do anything with it...
> wfms