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Re: Draft on ISP broad-band deployment scenarios


On Thu, 7 October 2004 18:48:56 +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> answering a specific bit out of this...

that applies for me, too.

> Neither has native support for Multicast (in the sense of "the network
> duplicates the packets"), so the benefits of multicasts are only
> in the uplink towards the DSL aggregation routers, and possibly if
> multiple users behind the same DSL line (small offices) are receiving
> the same multicast data stream.

That being said, take also into consideration that bitstream
access is not widely available yet in Europe or the invests
are just not worth it. so the next option would be to get the
traffic via L2TP, and the multicast buys you absolutely nothing
as too many DSL providers effectively do not save a penny. And
of course this applies to IPv4, and I do not see it changing
anytime soon. (Despite the effort by BBC, for example, or AMT
which is promising, all v4 though)

> [..]
> > Extra investment is always possible, and many will certainly do it.  
> > The question is just how the ISPs would transition from "v4-only" to 
> > "v4+v6 natively".  My argument is that it would be easier for the ISPs 
> > to start with tunneling and native v6 where possible, than to require 
> > through-out upgrade to native v6.
> Full ACK here.  Some parts are just hard/expensive to get v6 on, 
> while others can be done fairly easily.  So you end up tunneling
> around those "difficult" bits, even if the rest of the network is
> already native.

Take the Juniper ERX for an example. J's licensing model is
a major showstopper for several operators to even consider
providing IPv6 to their end users. ;-\ With the typical end
user setup if the typical vendors (J, Redback, Cisco, you
name it) get this working normally that will be the main
driving factor in my view for operators to actually try it
at all.

Mind you, my 2 cents worth, we run IPv6 natively for some
time now in all our core, and that is what we encounter when
trying to convince the powers that be. AS-TISCALI-V6PEERS. :-)


Alexander Koch <koch@tiscali.net> / ako4-ripe
Tiscali Int., Peering Coordination
Phone +49 6103 916 480, Fax +49 6103 916 464