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Re: Fwd: Re: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-22.txt

The tracker says:

> 2004-09-23	22	[amyk]
> State Changes to RFC Ed Queue from Approved-announcement sent by Amy Vezza

so the IESG is out of the loop.

The RFC Editor queue says:


[>20 older entries deleted]

2004/06/08-I  draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-22.txt
ISR           8/23/04
F. Templin, T. Gleeson, M. Talwar, D. Thaler
Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)
Bytes: 28963

Can we see the RFC Editor review comments, please?


Alain Durand wrote:
Soininen Jonne (Nokia-NET/Helsinki) wrote:


I think what Fred is referring to are the comments that some IESG people
gave to the ISATAP specification. There were basically two comments: One
about the clarity of the security considerations section and one
addressing the clarity of the definition of the term site.


Could you please clarify what is the exact status of the draft here?
Yesterday, we've heard it was inthe RFC editor queue for Experimental
and that the door was open to, if folks wanted, after experimental feedback, clean-up the spec and republish it as PS with AD direct sponsor.

Do the IESG comments you mentionned above are blocking the publication
now as Experiemntal or the potential later re-publication as PS?

    - Alain.