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Re: Fwd: Re: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-22.txt

On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 05:58:43PM +0200, Soininen Jonne (Nokia-NET/Helsinki) wrote:
> Alain,
> yes, maybe this merits a few words about the status of the document:
> 1) The document has been submitted as an individual submission to the
> RFC Editor. IESG has taken a look at it and some (minor) comments were
> raised.
> 2) RFC Editor has asked the authors to address those comments
> 3) After the comments are addressed the document will be published by
> the RFC Editor.
> There are _no_ showstoppers in the way and this will be published. In
> addition, whether to publish ISATAP later as a standards track document
> is in no conflict with the process here.
> I hope this clears the situation.

I share Brian/Alain's curiosity/concern, and I don't see how "nits" would
cause Fred to adbandon the work (inside the IETF at least).

I guess if Fred does not want to comment, that is his perogative, but it
seems ISATAP is very close to Experimental publication, which is good!
