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Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00.txt <PROXIES>

I agree with Mark. There is nothing specific to IPv6 about proxies;
they work equally well for IPv4. As a matter of fact a proxy
can be a very useful v4/v6 coexistence tool. I prefer that they
should be mentioned in a few words in the NAP draft, but nothing


Mark Smith wrote:
Hi Eric,

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:11:51 +0200
"EricLKlein" <ericlklein@softhome.net> wrote:

just prior to this being published as draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00 there was some WG discussion about adding proxies to raft-vandevelde-v6ops-nap-01.

Are there strong feelings about adding this section? If so I will start to

draft some text based on the comments from the WG that will be aimed at inclusion in the -01 version and will submit them to the list.

I personally would prefer not to see a section on proxies.

In the prior discussion, proxies were being advocated as another topology
hiding method, potentially useful in IPv6.

I don't think they are that useful for that function, as they only
support topology hiding for the protocols they support. For example, a
HTTP proxy will only hide the identity of devices making HTTP requests
through the proxy. Assuming those same devices have public addresses,
they will still be vulnerable to any other topology discovery techniques
that don't specifically involve HTTP.

NAT is a better topology hiding method than proxies, and, of course, this
Draft is saying NAT isn't necessary in IPv6 for that either.
