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Re: Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-vlan-usage-00.txt

--On 13 July 2005 13:03:19 -0700 Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> wrote:

This passed last call a while ago, and expired immediately afterward. The
only change I expected in this was that of the name; mostly, it was
reposting for the IESG's benefit.

If there are any further comments on this draft, please advise.

I do have one comment:

2.5  IPv6 Addressing

  One site using this VLAN technique has chosen to number its IPv6
  links with the format [Site IPv6 prefix]:[VLAN ID]::/64.  This is not
  a recommended addressing plan, but some sites may wish to consider
  its usage.

I see two ways of reading this text. The first is that there is some fundamental flaw with this addressing format and other options should be considered. The second is that this format is just being used as an example, but the document takes no stand on any particular scheme.

If Tim would please clarify...


Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer           Phone: +1 412 268-4960
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center               FAX:   +1 412 268-8200
4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15213 USA   lambert@psc.edu