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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-blanchet-v6ops-routing-guidelines-00.txt

Le 05-09-19 à 02:10, Pekka Savola a écrit :

Note: the next rev of this doc (if there is one) should maybe be forwarded for comments on the ipv6-ops@lists.cluenet.de list.

will do.

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Durand, Alain wrote:

How does this differ from RFC2772? Do you feel a need to update it?

RFC2772 includes guidelines for *6bone*. This is offering guidelines for more than that. In that light, if we feel the IETF is the right place to give guidance on this, updating is certainly needed.

see comment below.

As already noted in the IETF/ipv6 lists, it's an open question to what degree and how strong guidance the IETF should (or even could) give to the operators.

It seems that if the IETF would want to pursue this work, the discussion would need to be recast in the manner "You should considering doing [this]. This is why it may or may not make sense". As we learned from the DNS configuration debates at DNSOP (though the situation is a bit difficult), getting to a consensus could be very difficult.

A couple of specific comments:

- the global unicast address recommendations are (IMHO) way too lax. Even some part of 'strict' filters in http://www.space.net/ ~gert/RIPE/ipv6-filters.html could be stricter. In any case, that URL should also be referred. This is an example of the case why getting CONSENSUS on a document like this is going to be very difficult.

I knew that... ;-))

well. the intent here was to set the minimum (/48 or less) so that at least this is clear and I'm hoping there is a concensus on /48 or less. In this case, the document with the other guidelines is useful for operators.
for example, if the minimum is /48 or less, then we are filtering / 64! good progress!

By the time there is concensus on less than /48 (maybe after multihoming work or ...), then we could revise it and make a new version.

currently (to also respond to Alain comment on diff with RFC2772), RFC2772 is the only "published" document I know that has some guidelines on routing policies. and RFC2772 is outdated. So there is a need for a document, with the minimum that has concensus to help the ones who are deploying right now.

Many folks don't see a problem w/ putting /48 junk etc. in the routing tables, others do. This doc would/could then become a political battleground in the v6 operations community..

Why don't publish what is agreeable as a minimum and then revise it when more experience/more concensus/other tools/... is in.

- the uppercase keywords are inappropriate and should be removed

you meant because it is not a protocol?

- the doc should probably make RFC2772 historic

I thought about that and I agree. I'm not sure when/how to put it. Include in the document I guess?


Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings