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Re: [RAM] Request to advance RFC4214 to Proposed Standard

Good to know, and certainly a good thing. Until Ron tells me otherwise, that's as far as I'm going in this discussion.

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:05 AM, Templin, Fred L wrote:


Responding only to this one point for now:

In short, this is not just "an" approach to coexistence; if the IPv6 Operations Working Group is going to put its imprimatur on a technology, I would want to know that we were recommending the *right* one.

What ISATAP is good for is providing a link for connecting dual- stack routers within Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), as well as mechanisms for autoconfiguration and discovery of multiple Internet gateways. It is important to note that the term "MANET" could mean anything from mobile platforms (planes, trains and automobiles), to a home network, to a singleton node with an aribtarily-complex network of physical or virtual nodes within. For other examples, please see the thread on "Real-life Deploymnet of MANETs" on the MANET mailing list:


Informational aspects of the operation of ISATAP are documented in "MANET Autoconfiguration"; see:

http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-templin-autoconf- dhcp-07.txt

but please note that this work (as well as ISATAP itself) derived from an earlier work titled: "Virtual Ethernet".

Important point is that for the use-case of dual-stack routers communicating within a MANET, ISATAP already provides a mechanism that satisfies the needs of the IETF AUTOCONF wg and the so-called "MANEMO" interest group. Plus, it is shipping in major vendor OS's today.

Thanks - Fred