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Re: IPv6-PMP?

On Apr 12, 2007, at 19:08, Thomas Narten wrote:

Will we see the same with firewalls? This is an important question, given that a premise of IPv6 is to restore end-to-end addressing. We won't see that if firewalls effectively block all inbound connections by default.

Is now a good time to suggest that perhaps one of the currently reserved bits in the ICMPv6 router advertisement should be consumed now to signal to nodes that the advertising router comprises a network policy enforcement point? I see that draft-ietf-ipv6-2461bis is already in the RFC Editor's queue, but perhaps it could be yanked out and subjected to further revision. If we do this, then nodes could at least know that inbound flow initiations might be administratively prohibited. It would also clearly mark any routers that enforce policy without setting the "policy enforcement" bit in their router advertisements as non-compliant with the IPv6 standard.

j h woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>