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Re: DHCP failures (was RE: Do you want to have more meetings outsi de US ?)


Again, we need to be careful with any of these proposals, and avoid jumping to the conclusion that a protocol with a specific name will either solve all these problems or cause them.

We also care about interoperability and the ability to talk to each other; if we didn't we wouldn't need to work on standards. So far in this thread I have heard people avoiding DHCP completely or using solely DHCP. Its clear that the two extremes would have a problem communicating... The architectural principles of the Internet call for trying to find one solution, even if it is not 100% perfect in all cases.
Also, given that we have existing protocols for these things, and implementations out there, its not clear that we want to find other ways of doing the same... particularly when we have real, unsolveed problems left. I'd rather spend cycles on those.

This does not mean we never do alternates - we did publish RA-based DNS discovcery, for instance. And DHC WG will take a serious look at the customer requirements that Ralph mentioned. But it means we are going to ask hard questions about things like interop with existing hosts.
