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Architectural argument for RAs [Re: [69ATTENDEES] DHCP]

I was interested to notice this in draft-aboba-ip-config-02.txt:

3.3.  Fate Sharing

   If a server (or set of servers) is needed to get a set of
   configuration parameters, "fate sharing" ([RFC1958] Section 2.3) is
   preserved if the servers are ones without which the parameters could
   not be used, even if they were obtained via other means.  The
   possibility of incorrect information being configured is minimized if
   there is only one machine which is authoritative for the information
   (i.e., there is no need to keep multiple authoritative servers in
   sync).  For example, learning default gateways via Router
   Advertisements provides perfect fate sharing.  That is, gateway
   addresses can be obtained if and only if they can actually be used.

   ...Typically DHCP servers do not check for the
   liveness of the configuration information they provide, or do not
   discover new configuration information automatically.  As a result,
   there is no guarantee that configuration information will be current.
