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Re: "DNS-4to6 automatic mapping" - No more DNS-ALGs & 6then4 DNSqueries

Gert Doering wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:28:33PM -0600, todd@fries.net wrote:
>> I know exactly what you said.
>> The use is, if I have some app that is generating reports or doing things
>> other than connecting to IPv6 addresses where returning IPv6 addresses
>> would be useful.
> There is a difference between an app querying *for IPv6 addresses* and
> an app querying "give me something to connect to".  Please try to get that
> into your head.
> Nobody is trying to refuse an app's explicit AAAA queries.

But from an application perspective there is no such thing.

Applications are nowdays supposed to use getaddrinfo() / getnameinfo(),
the first one is patched in eg glibc to not return AAAA's when the
caller asks for an ANY record, eg "please show me all the records for
example.com", if that is for connecting or not.

Apps that need to connect (the ones we are discussing here) have to
specify AI_ADDRCONFIG. Apps that don't (the ones Todd mention)

As such this is already present, BUT a lot of applications (including
quite a few of mine) don't use it, as it is a relatively new flag.
That flag was also only introduced in glibc 2.3.3.

The real fix to this discussion: fix the apps.

Fixing the DNS would also help of course but that is even more cumbersome.


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