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Re: "DNS-4to6 automatic mapping" - No more DNS-ALGs & 6then4 DNSqueries


On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 10:40:48PM -0800, Christian Huitema wrote:
> > Actually this is nitpicking.  The *real* problem is that the systems
> > need a "connect me to this host*name*" system/library call, that will
> > handle all the underlying combinations and do the right thing, depending
> > on system preferences and capabilities.
> Do you mean something like WSAConnectByName (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741557.aspx)? Or maybe "TcpClient.Connect (String, Int32)" 
> (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.tcpclient.connect.aspx)?

Exactly something like this.

(A bit more generic than "TcpClient.Connect", though.  Why TCP only?  What
about SCTP?)

And not only for windows, but standardized across all platforms in more
widespread use.

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations:  110584

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