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Re: VoIP peering & routing protocols (revisited)

At 11:15 AM -1000 on 4/19/05, Randy Bush wrote:
does DUNDi not have the additional problem of not being open-license?


While I am not familiar with the intricacies of GPL vs. limited GPL vs. [fill in license X], I will say that the DUNDi protocol was developed with the intention of becoming an RFC, so I would hope that the intent was to make the protocol a license-free effort, even though there is certainly good precedent for that not being the case on other standards proposals <coughMICROSOFTcough>. While the Asterisk implementation of DUNDi may currently be under the Asterisk/Digium modified/limited GPL, I don't know if the protocol itself is under the same license scheme. I would suspect "No", but simple questions like this tend to take up far too much time on various mailing lists, so no assumption is safe. I typically delete those conversation threads, as they typically contain hysteria, ignorance, or arrogance in varying blends and quantities. I would suggest that everyone who has an interest in such things to talk to a lawyer for firm determination thereof, or move to a country where such questions are legally irrelevant.

I simply wish everyone would move to BSD licenses, to avoid these headaches and FUD, though I'm certain even that could be argued ad infinitum. Welcome to the planet of lawyers.



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