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Re: Handling of MIME Errors Out---Help

>>>>> "David" == David Maus <dmaus@ictsoc.de> writes:

    David> [1 <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>] Daniel E. Doherty wrote:

    >> Anyway, the SEMI Makefile starts with a line
    >> PACKAGE = remi
    >> and I was trying to figure out if I should be editing that to
    >> something like PACKAGE = semi.

    David> That wouldn't help because the tarball you got does not
    David> contain the up-to-date version of semi.

    >> | API = 1.14 | RELEASE = 2

    David> Current version is API 1.14, RELEASE 6.

    David> Check out the cvs repository as mentioned here:

    David> http://lists.airs.net/wl-en/archive/201003/msg00016.html

OK.  Get that tarball and installed it.  I see that my mail header,
though, still has REMI in the user agent portion.  

I ran locate-library on mime-view and it points at that newly installed
version of SEMI.

Perhaps this helps.  When I try to view an Excel attachment, I get the
following debugger output:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function mailcap-format-command)
  (mailcap-format-command method (cons (cons ... name) situation))
  (let ((command ...)) (start-process command mime-echo-buffer-name shell-file-name shell-command-switch command))
  (let ((process ...)) (set-alist (quote mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist) process name) (set-process-sentinel process (quote mime-mailcap-method-sentinel)))
  (let ((method ...) (name ...)) (setq name (if ... ... ...)) (mime-write-entity-content entity name) (message "External method is starting...") (let (...) (set-alist ... process name) (set-process-sentinel process ...)))
  mime-activate-mailcap-method([mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ((type . application) (subtype . vnd\.ms-excel)) nil [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> (... ... ...) ([mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... nil "7bit" nil nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 2682 2725 2726 2758 nil] #0 [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... ... "base64" ... nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1712730 1712873 1712874 1838064 nil] [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... ... "base64" ... nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1838104 1838223 1838224 1929571 nil]) nil nil nil "7bit" nil nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1 2642 2643 1929613 nil] (1) ((type . attachment) ("filename" . "Transactions.xls")) "base64" ((Content-Tran
 sfer-Encoding . "base64") (Content-Disposition . "attachment; filename=\"Transactions.xls\"")) nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 2798 2932 2933 1712690 nil] ((method . "/usr/bin/oocalc %s") (mode . "play") (body-presentation-method . mime-preview-octet) (body . invisible) (encoding . "base64") (filename . "Transactions.xls") (disposition-type . attachment) (subtype . vnd\.ms-excel) (type . application) (major-mode . wl-original-message-mode)))
  (cond ((and ... ...) (funcall method entity ret)) ((stringp method) (mime-activate-mailcap-method entity ret)) (t (mime-show-echo-buffer "No method are specified for %s\n" ...) (if ... ...)))
  (let ((ret ...) method) (setq mime-acting-situation-example-list (cdr ret) ret (car ret)) (cond (... ... ... ...) (t ...)) (setq method (cdr ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ... ...)))
  mime-play-entity([mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ((type . application) (subtype . vnd\.ms-excel)) nil [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> (... ... ...) ([mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... nil "7bit" nil nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 2682 2725 2726 2758 nil] #0 [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... ... "base64" ... nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1712730 1712873 1712874 1838064 nil] [mime-elmo-buffer-entity [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> ... nil #1 ... ... "base64" ... nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1838104 1838223 1838224 1929571 nil]) nil nil nil "7bit" nil nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 1 2642 2643 1929613 nil] (1) ((type . attachment) ("filename" . "Transactions.xls")) "base64" ((Content-Transfer-Encodin
 g . "base64") (Content-Disposition . "attachment; filename=\"Transactions.xls\"")) nil #<buffer  *Original* *WL:Message*<2>> 2798 2932 2933 1712690 nil] ((mode . "play") (body-presentation-method . mime-preview-octet) (body . invisible) (encoding . "base64") (filename . "Transactions.xls") (disposition-type . attachment) (subtype . vnd\.ms-excel) (type . application) (major-mode . wl-original-message-mode)))
  (let ((situation ...)) (or mode (setq mode "play")) (setq situation (if ... ... ...)) (if ignore-examples (setq situation ...)) (mime-play-entity entity situation))
  (if entity (let (...) (or mode ...) (setq situation ...) (if ignore-examples ...) (mime-play-entity entity situation)))
  (let ((entity ...)) (if entity (let ... ... ... ... ...)))
  call-interactively(mime-preview-play-current-entity nil nil)

Does that shed any light on what's going on?


Dan Doherty