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Re: error while sending mail

>>>>> In [Wanderlust English : No.03057] Sebastian Hofer wrote:
>     In such a case where byte codes appear in a Lisp backtrace,


> thanks, that was valuable information for me. however, doing this results in
> a messy debug output which i can't make any sense of. i'd be greatful if
> anyone can, otherwise i guess i will try reinstalling wanderlust.

>  Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
>   signal(wrong-type-argument (arrayp nil))
>   (condition-case err (smtp-send-buffer sender recipients (current-buffer))
> (error (wl-draft-write-sendlog ... ... smtp-server recipients id) (if ...

I see.  The real error is concealed by the `condition-case' form.
I guess there's something missing in setting of `smtp-*' values.
When I used smtp.el that FLIM provides in the past, I had:

(setq smtp-default-server "smtp.example.com"
      smtp-server smtp-default-server
      smtp-local-domain "local.domain.name"
      smtp-fqdn smtp-local-domain)

Where "smtp.example.com" should be substituted with the smtp
server name that you use, and "local.domain.name" should be
substituted with the generic name of the domain where you're in
("gmail.com" ?).  How about that?

Otherwise, let's try examining what `smtp-send-buffer' does.  To
do that:

1. Start Emacs and Wanderlust as usual.
2. Load smtp.el. -> M-x load-file RET smtp.el RET
3. Copy this form to the *scratch* buffer:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
  (let ((adrs "sebhofer@gmail.com"))
  (insert "From: " adrs "\nTo: " adrs "\n\ntest.\n")
  (smtp-send-buffer adrs (list adrs) (current-buffer))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

4. Type `C-j' at the end of the last line of the form.  Note that
   this form tries to send a test mail From: you To: you by using
   the same method Wanderlust uses.

And you will probably get a backtrace that exposes the evil the
function does.