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Re: Help! wl is hanging when opening the inbox

At Fri, 03 Dec 2010 14:11:53 +0900,
Randy Bush wrote:
> > C-g is worth a shot, will try if I see that problem again. I'm not
> > sure it will always help, e.g., just now I tried to set a flag on a
> > message with a large attachment. It then started to download the whole
> > attachment (when I opened the message at first, I said 'n' to fetch
> > the whole thing). So I hit C-g and tried to go to another message --
> > whereupon the mini buffer showed the highly amusing status of
> > "Retrieving... 79432%" -- C-g didn't actually cancel the attachment
> > download. But at least C-g might let me quit Emacs gracefully rather
> > than killing it.
> my experience, though i have not looked below the surface, is that when
> elmo is pulling a message, sometimes it the nuclear option is required
> to stop it.  it is especially prone to lock-up if there is a net break.

Okay, I have a better idea how to manage this now. C-g did rescue me from a 100% CPU spasm a little bit ago. Then, the next IMAP access gave me the error that the IMAP process was not running. Hitting M-t twice took care of that.

Like I said in an earlier e-mail, I like wl's handling of incremental fetching and caching so much that I'm willing to put up with a lot of quirks, especially if there are decent workarounds. Now I know a couple more tricks -- thanks!


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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