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Re: Scheduling of IESG retreat


the preliminary returns are now up on

The two times that SO FAR seem optimal are:

- May 6-7
- June 5-6

Of the two, I'd much prefer the first one; earlier is better - even though
it collides with my oldest daughter's birthday....

I think the most likely location is the US, given that we were in Europe
last year, and the new people are all US-based; the US East Coast is a
convenient "average" location, I think - but people who can suggest good
places to have the meeting are welcome to suggest them!
Harald, if you'd consider a left coast location I'd be willing to host the
meeting at my home. You've been here so you know I can handle a group the size
of the IESG with ease. The closest airport -- Ontario -- is only 20 minutes
away and there's a hotel within walking distance of my house. Food should not
be a problem either: The Claremont Village is only a few minutes away and there
are lots of restaurants, some of which offer catering services. (Sushi is only
a short walk, but it is pretty bad so I suggest a short drive to a much better

Another alternative would be the Sun office in West Covina. We have plenty of
space, but I suspect most people can take or leave Yet Another Conference Room.
Airport access also isn't as good.

The only issue I can see is that the June date may be close to graduation for
some of the local colleges, which could make hotel availability an issue.


P.S. Further info about local restaurants can be found at:


Also, the design/build company that built our house has a nice web site with
pictures of the homes they have built, so you can see what our place looks
