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Re: A thought about agendas.....

At 9:24 PM +0100 3/14/03, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
I've noticed on some WG lists a note that says something on the order of "calling all agenda items - if you want something on the agenda, send it in now" - with no further info.

I just wondered..... is this really the best way to make sure the important work gets the most time on the agenda?
I mean - if the WG chair(s) already knows what the charter of the WG is, what documents are in active development, and what the important issues with them are, shouldn't the WG chair be able to write a proposal for an agenda without asking for (randomized) input, and then say "what else do we need to talk about?" to the WG?

I think this has something to do with WG chairs and empowerment......

OTOH, ANY agenda that is sent out to the WG and posted on the Web ahead of the meeting greatly increases the chances for success (I think!)

In PKIX we solicit agenda items from the WG because it allows us to allocate small blocks of time to brief new items, info from other standards activities related to ours (e.g., from ETSI or consortia test activities), etc. We always give priority to ongoing standards track activities, but even here a solicitation to the WG is a good way to confirm who plans to attend a specific meeting and to prepare a presentation.
