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Re: Evaluation: <draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-architecture-05.txt>

Hi Bert,
	I thought we agreed to talk about this at the retreat with a
white board and a beer.  The raw notes I have don't really capture
the main issue, which is that they have really just totally missed an
opportunity to create a coherent addressing architecture.  Reading
through the notes, I don't think they are in a state to send to the
working group.   I'd rather not make time for this until we've had
a chance to talk in person, but if you think my recording an abstain
has twigged them and they need something, I'll produce it.
	I also want to re-iterate that I think it is too late to go back and
fix this, and I won't stand in the way.

On Saturday, April 19, 2003, at 08:07 AM, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:

Ted, you were going to give me some elaboration on the
incorrect addressing methods they are doing, right?

I'd like to get that to the WG asap, so that I hopefully
get a response/explanation before we have it come back on
our agenda at the next telechat.
