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RE: Informational RFC to be: draft-turk-bgp-dos-04.txt

I have no personal opinion on the document - I "just" want the RFC Editor's queue and the ID-tracker to be consistent, and the message wasn't clear enough for me to be sure what the right state is.

Bill's and Randy's call, possibly in consultation with the GROW chair and the author.


--On torsdag, juni 19, 2003 13:51:45 -0700 Bill Fenner <fenner@research.att.com> wrote:

let me be really clear.  harald and bill, do i ask grow to take
on draft-turk-bgp-dos-04.txt?
Dave has been working on this for months, at my urging.  He sent
this message to GROW in May:

        draft-turk-bgp-dos-04.txt has been in the RFC Editor's
        queue for a while now as an individual submission
        (Informational). I would like the GROW WG to take a look
        at the document and decide if perhaps we should pull it
        back into GROW (of course, there was no such option
        previous to GROW being chartered).

I was assuming that Turk's message was a result of this.
