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Re: Format of Draft Minutes of the June 26, 2003 IESGTeleconference

--On 27. juni 2003 11:43 -0700 hardie@qualcomm.com wrote:

	Thanks for the effort to shift to more complete
sentences.  As a wording change, may I suggest moving
those which are "document remains under discussion by $AD_NAME"
to "document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to
resolve points raised by $AD_NAME".  I think that would be
clearer to outsiders, both as to what went on and what is being
done to move forward.
Query: Would it be sufficient to say "$AD_NAME has raised issues with this document"? I'm no lover of long texts in boilerplate..... and your sentence had 15 words, compared to 7 in the original (counting $AD_NAME as one).

Not suggesting it's worth changing for this version, but for the discussion on what the format should be.....
