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Re: WG mailing list: auto discard from non-subscribers?

I think it should be okay to turn auto-discard on,
as long as you also have notification on.  That way,
the non-subscriber will be notified that his mail
was not posted, and can act accordingly (post from
subscribed address, subscribe and/or contact the list
admin to be added to the posters list).


At 12:01 AM 8/20/2003 -0700, Alex Zinin wrote:
Do we have any WG list mgmt guidelines saying we cannot automatically
discard/reject e-mails from non-subscribers?

Current mailman lists on ietf.org require manual actions from the
admins, and with the spam level going up, I hear WG chairs asking to
turn the auto-discard on (don't know if it's possible in mailman.)
