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[xmppwg] Re: Last Call: 'XMPP Core' to Proposed Standard

On 9/26/03 at 11:24 AM -0700, Ted Hardie wrote:

However, I am somewhat concerned about the working group consensus for the xml:lang attribute rooted at the <stream/>. Following the thread to which you have given a pointer, I see discussions among Marshall, David White, and Ben Schumaker, but I'm not sure I see consensus for this resolution. I've cc'ed the chairs on this message so that they can comment on their sense of the consensus here and, if they see a necessity, ask for consensus on the list for this resolution.

Actually, there was quite a bit of additional discussion of this topic, not only on the list in November, April, and May, but also at the Atlanta face-to-face meeting. (I can give you pointers to the 30 or so messages if you need.) If you have the archive in some searchable form, just look for "xml:lang". I am convinced that the WG came to consensus on this point.

Pete Resnick <http://wwww.qualcomm.com/~presnick/>
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102