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Re: Proposal from mstjohns: Pre-approval of RFC 2727bis

> Mike St. Johns has suggested that the IESG should approve the 2727bis 
> document as-is, mostly, I think, in order to fix the nomcom selection that 
> will occur on October 10.

Process-wise, this would be cleanest. Imagine the field day the Jim
Flemmings of the world could have should they be inclined to file
formal appeals.

I have a fair amount of reservations on Ted's suggestions of
selectively enforcing parts of 2727bis. Also appeals bait.

The issues under discussion are somewhat border cases that one hopes
won't arise, and that a nomcom that does some thinking will not do
something stupid over. We should assume Rich (and the liaisons, etc.)
are well aware of the situation and will be extra careful.

We have the classic "going to PS" problem here, where the document (in
many ways) is better than its predecessor, but if we don't fix things
now, we run the risk of having 2+ years go by before the document
actually does get revised again. Can't win either way.

I wonder if the best thing to do would be to approve the document as
is, to make it the official one, and immediately get the WG to go
clean up the remaining issues. With a little (lot?) of luck, they
might even get the revision completed relatively quickly.

Having said that, I can go along with Harald's proposal, but I think
if we really want the nomcom to go with the new document, we should
just do the correct process thing. As one of the discuss holders, I'll
lift my discuss if that is what folk think we should do (and if the
nomcom is given the go ahead to fix the issues relatively soon!)
