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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures

On 2008-01-09 06:50, Tony Li wrote:
On Jan 8, 2008, at 6:35 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:

We have a population limit, if nothing else.

The number of hosts on the net is only loosely coupled to the population. As we continue to make the 'net ubiquitous, there will continue to be more and more applications resulting in more addresses per person. Assuming linearity would be a mistake.
For an example, consider the applications that are emerging from sensor 
networks or the automotive industry.
Sure, but for EID *prefixes* I understood we were aiming at
100 million as the high-end limit. (My original SWAG was
10 million, i.e. a rough estimate of the number of medium
and large organizations in a world of 10 billion humans,
but people seemed to think that was too low.)


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