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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures

On 8 jan 2008, at 16:38, Eliot Lear wrote:

Last time I check it's still possible to have a child without a license... Obviously the number of EID prefixes won't be infinite, but there is no figure you can come up with that satisfies both the condition that it's not reasonably possible to have more prefixes than that on the one hand and hardware to handle that number of prefixes can be made within the forseeable future at reasonable prices.
Remember my presentation in Madrid. I've compared two substantially different models and they actually both agree on growth targets until well after 2050. Would you comment on those?
Let me quote Nils Bohr:

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future."

For an illustration, have a look at the various predictions of when we'd run out of IPv4 address space that have been made over the years.
But have a look at this page with how many people have to "share" an  
AS number in different countries: http://bgpexpert.com/asespercountry.php
As always, the US is at the top of the list with 18k ASes and 15k  
people per AS (it's millions in some countries). If we extrapolate  
this to a world with 9 billion people that's only 600,000 AS numbers...
The problem that I have is not so much with any particular prediction,  
but with the situation we'll find ourselves in if the predictions are  
wrong and our protocols are such that it's impossible to make the  
equipment scale to the needed numbers.
However, don't forget that the problem is limited to the place where  
the entire global RIB must be managed and/or for a high number of  
packets per second, a global RIB sized FIB must be consulted. Having  
two boxes do half of twice the work increases the price by 2. Having  
one box do twice the work increases the price by more than 2.
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