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Re: Granularity (was Re: [RRG] ALT + NERD is inelegant & inefficient, compared to APT or Ivip)


On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Brian Dickson wrote:
It may be that rather than having one problem/solution match-up to consider, that there are two:
multi-homed (N>2)

I'd argue that the requirements of each differ, and there can be significant scaling benefits from splitting them out, and handling each separately.
What do folks think?
My gut feeling (FWIW) is that this would be a mistake.  The  
assumptions that you make differentiating the N=2 vs. N>2 cases appear  
to be subjective and dependent on life as we know it now, not life as  
how we might reasonably project it to be.  What is to say that in the  
'near' (for some value of that variable) future, I won't want my  
cellphone router connecting my PAN multi-homed to the (say) 6 cellular  
providers it can find signal for?
I'm not sure that coming up with an architecture that builds in these  
sorts of assumptions won't end up biting us painfully in the end.

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