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Re: [RRG] ALT + NERD is inelegant & inefficient, compared to APT or Ivip

The problem I personally have is that I don't feel comfortable in making either of those assumptions. In fact, one might argue that making both of these assumptions is what has gotten us into trouble in the first place.
I think one must argue that either this is the case or is not the case, 
but not leave this sort of thought just dangling.  For my part, I'll 
argue that no such assumptions were made, but that we simply did what we 
knew how to do, and knew of no better approach.
A *fundamental* change between today and the world we perceive with LISP 
is how we manage different types of state.  Today everything is lumped 
together in operational state.  LISP separates that state into two 
buckets and treats them quite differently.


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