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Re: [RRG] ALT + NERD is inelegant & inefficient, compared to APT or Ivip

What do you think of the idea of making that query server function
available to nearby devices?
I ponder this in the NERD draft if one presumes that one loads "near" 
databases and uses ALT or CONS for "far" networks.  A simpler approach, 
however, given the lower volume of data, would be to receive ALL 
databases, and keep them in a secondary cache or storage, and then keep 
the query on the box.
I think this would be an enhancement to the NERD architecture - to
allow for this, enabling operators to do it when it made sense to them.
I remain averse to delay.  Even the above scheme would require 
architectural changes, and would impose delay for cache misses, but 
those cache misses would be extremely small.  I also remain averse to 
mechanisms where an inability to complete a query due to a device 
failure would cause either yet more delay or a mapping failure.  With 
NERD, the worst that happens is that you use the old mapping for a time.
And indeed I am engineering a solution that does not require host 
granularity.  I believe mechanisms such as HIP and MIPv6 need to be 
improved to scale to address that problem.
But that's me.


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