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Re: Next steps

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
Agree with your comments (for example your point about security is section 4
of the charter), in general, but reading the charter I still don't think
there is any place where is said that we should have proceed in serial-mode.
Should we appeal that decision ? May be I'm wrong, so somebody can provide a
prove that this has been approved by the WG ?

It is the responsibility of the chairs and ADs to ensure that works gets done, and gets done with sufficient expertise and wide review (also outside of the WG).

Doing everything in parallel would not be possible. It is certainly possible to do *something* in parallel (and so we have).

Same with the rationale being followed to decide (by the WG) that no more
documents are accepted as WG items, and then some are now accepted and not
some others. Again, appeal ?

See above.

By the way, we the "Euro6IX" folks (including the 8 bigger European Telcos),
have proposed several documents, including operational security implications
of IPv6. This is fully within the charter, and is being ignored as a WG
item. Again, should we appeal ?

The fact that something is listed in the WG charter does not mean that WG participants must be interested on a proposed work item.

For work items we take, there must be sufficient expertise and interest, and energy to work on such items.

Also the same folks proposed some works regarding operational transition
issues, like the auto-discovery of the TEP. This work was even backed-up by
the request of the chairs. Still not even suggested to be WG item, so I ask
now for it. If nobody objects in 2 days, as has been done with the other
documents, clearly is accepted. Right ? Fair enough ?

I would personally object so you have at least one ;-). I have very little against taking draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc as WG item, except timing (it'll be needed only soon, when designing the solutions).

-> Now can tell me, where it says something about the serial-mode ? If not,
please demonstrate that the decision is done by the WG and is fair. Same for
why only a few documents are being proposed as WG items ?

To get something done in a finite time, with sufficient expertise :-).

See my different mail on more.

7) Anything missing regarding DNS operation ? SMTP, SIP, other protocols ?

DNS, SMTP and SIP are done or under progress in dnsop, sip WG(s), and individual submission by itojun.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings