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Re: "byte-code: IMAP error: STATUS unknown option" after authentication

> Then I wanted to make sure I could relaunch wl in a new Emacs session,
> so I quit Emacs, restarted it, and... el-get started throwing up error
> messages. So I commented out all the el-get init stuff (since I
> already got what I wanted from it), quit and restarted Emacs, did M-x
> wl <RET> and:

El-get has the feature that it invokes git (and who knows what else?),
so if you don't have a bunch of other stuff setup and working already,
it barfs, sometimes silently. I tried installing Wl using el-get on 4
different systems, and had success on only one of them, so I've
learned the hard way. (Ubuntu is where I had sucess, so you got lucky
in trying that approach.)

The "package" system seems cleaner to me (i.e, has fewer
dependencies). I just tried it for the first tim and was able to get
it to fetch and install WL in windows 7. It ends up creating
subdirectories under .emacs.d/elpa/<package>. I.e., I now have:


If I add .emacs.d/eapl to my emacs load-path, it seems to find
everything just fine. I.e., it's smart enough to map (require 'w3m)
into the directory above (I haven't seen that part documented though,
and I wonder what gets loaded if you have two versions of the same
package, which "package" presumably doesn't allow to happen).

> call-interactively: Cannot open load file: wl
> Added:
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/el-get/wanderlust/site-lisp")

Interesting. I didn't even realize this was there. I.e., that all the
other packages (elmo, wl, etc.) get merged into a single directory. I
had added all the individual directories to my load-path...

> Maybe I should have used ELPA or MELPA...? Dunno... too many ways to
> do the same thing, and not a good way for users to evaluate which is
> the best. FWIW, I was going to start with the git repository and
> compile it myself, but I gave up when the INSTALL file says to install
> specific versions of semi and flim, but doesn't explain where to get
> those. I'm well out of time to go researching cascading
> dependencies. That's when a package that automatically installs
> dependencies started to look a lot more attractive.

For me, I've (recently) had success with package, on a system (windows
7) where el-get didn't work for me. Windows has its own additional
challenges beyond WL though. You need gnu-tls (not hard, but getting
emacs to find it at run time is tricky and I'm still trying to get
this to work when I invoke emacs from the pull down rather than from a
cygwin shell). And you need w3m (the run-time binary), which seems to
require installing cygwin as well. But with all that, I seem to have
it working.

We all agree that decent installation documentation is lacking, and I
plan to write up my experience once I'm sure I can replicate the
