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Re: automating the network: the big picture...

I like this categorization, but have one question:

> I would group it, rather than have one single minimum:
> - stuff you need to be able to send and receive IP packets at all
> - stuff you need to be able to do IPSEC proof-of-who-you-are
> - stuff you need to be able to get at configuration data

What specifically did you have in mind here? Couldn't this just be seen as a
subset of "stuff you need to be able to do function X" where X is bound to

> - stuff you need to be able to do function X
>   (for instance, for mail you need your own email address(es), the 2
>   servers, which probably means you want DNS because IP addresses are Just
>   Too Ugly, a login identity for the servers, proof of that identity,
>   authentication information for the servers (for MITM resistance).....?)
