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Re: [RRG] RRG process clarification

On May 2, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Randall Atkinson wrote:

% Is this really a different branch?

Using Lixia's taxonomy, the answer is clearly Yes.
It fits in none of the categories that Lixia defined.
Just to clarify: do you mean that "fix naming" is not in any of the  
branches mentioned in my msg?
(the text below suggests the answer is yes)

% Don't all solutions "fix" naming for varying values of "fix"?

That is not at all clear to me.  We have various ways of dealing
with the site multi-homing issue, but not all of the ways that
have been discussed here to address that involve changes
to the naming architecture.

If you prefer a different term, please suggest one.

(The category missing is not map-and-encapsulate,
nor is it address rewriting, nor ...)


Here is my personal view:
- naming on Internet is a very important issue.
- it is also very broad, concerning multiple layers of the protocol stack.
- there are inter-dependencies between naming at diff layers.
- In solving the routing scalability problem,
  we need a clear understanding of, as far as naming is concerned,
  (a) what we depend on the lower layers
  (b) what we may affect on the higher layers
- It is beyond our charter to offer a solution for the
  naming problem across all the layers of the protocol stack.
- IP/routing layer solution should focus on our own problem at hand,
  once we make the design decision here, we'd be in much better
  position to handle upper layer naming issues.


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