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Re: Next steps


On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 12:01:14AM +0100, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> Well, what I expected is a document or at least an email explaining this:
> Discussion of the way forward - 15 mins, Chairs/ADs
>   - GOAL: discuss and get consensus on how to proceed from here
> The AD indicated that he asked for this, so I guess we should have "some"
> document that at a minimum introduce the topic, options, etc. !

I think I already explained this to you:

We would like to discuss how to proceed from where we are, now that
most of our major milestones are accomplished.

It is up to the community/working group to form a consensus view
onwhere we want to go from here.

Margaret & Jonne already gave their views. Not speaking as an AD, I
like an approach as proposed by Margaret and supported by Jonne.

Speaking as an AD, the part of the title of the agenda topic that says
'get consensus' was perhaps not the best choice of words. I would like
to use the time to bootstrap the discussion on what is next and get
some sense of the room for which directions make sense.

David Kessens