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Re: Attachments not attaching


> When I issue a find-file, I get a prompt "Find file: ~/"
> I then enter enough of the name of the file to issue a "TAB" to
> autocomplete. 
> I then hit RET and, in the case of a jpg file, Imagemagick opens the
> file (external to emacs).  The same is true for a pdf file. An
> external program opens.
> And I see a message: "Opened xxxxxx in external progam"

I expect you use openwith.el.  You whould have to disable
openwith-mode by M-x openwith-mode before attaching something, or try
below code that disables openwith-mode automatically.

(defadvice mime-insert-encoded-file (around disable-openwith activate)
  (let ((enabled (and (boundp 'openwith-mode)
    (when enabled (openwith-mode -1))
    (when enabled (openwith-mode t))))

Kazuhiro Ito