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UK OFCOM Consultation - ENUM potential? [ was Re: Enterprise VoIP Peering Point? ]

At 15:57 11/08/2004, Richard Shockey wrote:
Admittedly, I don't understand how your product works, so I'm interested in hearing more of a complete description, even if this can be only be applied to the world of the large-dollar-budget incumbents. Anything to encourage the use of ENUM is a good thing in my book, even if it's a closed environment...

well that sounds like a sales call <g> the key is getting vendors to make a strategic decision on what is the preferred next generation query response mechanism for TN to URI resolution and beginning to implement it. at the 50K foot level remember what this is about .. killing off SS7. BTW demand ENUM in your IP PBX as well.

The dirty little secret of VoIP is that swapping out the underlying transport of a voice call from TDM to IP does nothing unless you can attack the real underlying evil in the PSTN which is SS7.

Speaking of dirty secrets, OFCOM has published a consultation on how to make number portability work properly, and almost concluded they should do nothing. They think a centralized database for the UK would be too expensive (GBP200M).



peter gradwell. gradwell dot com Ltd. http://www.gradwell.com/
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