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Re: [RRG] Why delaying initial packets matters


On Feb 17, 2008, at 11:31 AM, Stig Venaas wrote:
My experience is that some applications don't handle delayed or dropped
initial packets all that well.
Which applications?

Anyway, this bring me back to the point I made earlier, that we really
would need to look at some applications.
Indeed.  And what it would take to get said applications to tolerate  
an initial packet delay better.
I guess you have some knowledge how say BIND behaves?
I had some knowledge of how a previous incarnation of BIND behaved  
about 5 years ago.  BIND has evolved in the face of real-life Internet  
E.g., it looks like the host command will wait for
5s if the first request is dropped. Is a 5s delay to DNS lookups
Not sure it is relevant since the DNS makes assumptions that would not  
necessarily hold in a pull-based mapping system for EID/LOC  
separation, e.g., a 5 second time out that can be interrupted by the  
user can be acceptable.

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