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Re: [RRG] Why delaying initial packets matters

Earlier, Dino wrote:
% We have to be careful of introducing a hybrid, more complex solution
% just to solve a dropped packet for the very first flow between a
% source-site and destination-site.
% A robust system should also consider what problems not to solve.

It likely would be helpful if proposals would clearly document which
problems they are solving and also which they are not solving.
If this is a comment against LISP, the lisp-alt draft indicates that a  
Data Probe or a Map-Request can be sent over the LAT topology. So if  
you don't mind drops, the Map-Request is sent to trigger a Map-Reply.  
If you don't want any packet loss (dropped intentionally at the ITR),  
then the Data Probe is used to solicit the Map-Reply.
So we don't state the problem, we state the solution. Is that not  

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