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Re: Feedback on proposed charter from the IESG

Pekka Savola wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, EricLKlein wrote:

2. Keep current items, and make new items fit stricter acceptance process
(active middle approach proposed by Eric)

No problem there, but the key point remains -- what would be that stricter acceptance process? :)

3. Keep current items, and specify that adding new work items requires
re-chartering (middle approach proposed by Pekka)
4. Keep Current items and re-charter as new issues come up (Sleep mode as
proposed by Alain)

I think these are basically the same. If there are no new items after done with those currently being chartered (and we still would need to discuss which those would be), the WG either goes to sleep or is shut down.. we don't have to decide which at this point.

I would suggest a 2.5 approach:

Make the charter obviously in two parts:

First part: general statement of purpose, maybe a bit shorter
than the current version, plus a new bit that sets the level
for new work items, e.g.

  Future work items within this scope will be adopted by the
  WG only if there is a substantial expression of interest
  from the operational community and if the work clearly does
  not fit elsewhere in the IETF.

Second part: the menu of currently chartered work items (not
just the list of milestones).

And yes, adding work items and milestones will be a charter
update, involving the AD and perhaps the IESG. That's what
they are "paid" for.
